What to Know About Taxes when Adding a New Partner

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In a partnership, adding a new partner has a number of financial and legal implications. Let’s imagine you and your partners want to add a new partner to the mix. By making a cash contribution, the new partner will have a one-third interest in the partnership. Assume that your basis in your partnership interests is

Which Assets Cannot be Depreciated?

Which Assets Cannot be Depreciated Image

What is asset depreciation? Major business purchases, like machinery, are considered large assets. Depreciation is both an accounting and tax calculation method. From an accounting perspective, rather than deducting the entire cost of the purchase of a major asset in one year, you allocate the purchase price over the span of the asset’s lifetime. From

How to Maximize your Business Property Deductions in 2019

There’s good news about the Section 179 depreciation deduction for business property. The election has long provided a tax windfall to businesses, enabling them to claim immediate deductions for qualified assets, instead of taking depreciation deductions over time. And it was increased and expanded by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Even better, the

What You Need to Know About Depreciation-Related Breaks on Business Real Estate

Special tax breaks that allow deductions to be taken more quickly are available for certain real estate investments. There are two breaks you might not be able to enjoy due to a drafting error in the TCJA.