Moving your Business? You Might Qualify for the Rehabilitation Tax Credit

If your company needs to expand or relocate, keep the rehabilitation tax credit in mind, especially if you like old buildings. Qualified Rehabilitation Tax Credit Expenses The credit for a qualified renovated building that is also a certified historic structure is equal to 20% of the qualified rehabilitation expenditures (QREs). A qualified rehabilitated building is

3 Ways to Improve Your Nonprofit Accounting Department

Nonprofits must manage their financial and accounting records even though they are not subject to income tax. This includes preparing financial statements, collecting payroll taxes, projecting budgets and tracking performance. If nonprofit accounting procedures are not monitored, they can become inefficient over time. Here are some suggestions for policies that your nonprofit should review on

How Should Costs Associated with Intangible Assets be Capitalized?

Nowadays, the majority of companies have some intangible assets. These assets’ tax treatment may be complicated. What makes intangible assets so complex? According to IRS regulations, costs that must be capitalized include: Acquiring or creating an intangible asset, Creating or enhancing a separate, distinct intangible asset, Creating or enhancing a “future benefit” identified in IRS

How Much Business Interest Expense can you Deduct?

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) imposed a new limitation on deductions of business interest expense by certain companies. And the limit, found in Section 163(j) of the Internal Revenue Code, became even more restrictive in 2022 — especially for capital-intensive businesses. As a business owner, you should determine whether the deduction limitation applies

How Tips Affect Taxes

Cash vs. Noncash Tips Customers who receive services from staff may choose to leave tips. They could be cash or noncash. Cash tips include those given by clients directly, electronic payments made by employers to employees for tips, and tips given by other employees as part of tip-sharing agreements. In general, employees are required to

One Less Tax Form: IRS Delays Lower Cash App & Venmo Tax Reporting Threshold

IRS delays $600 reporting threshold requirement for Venmo tax reporting and other cash app transactions Venmo and other cash app users were gearing up to receive an extra tax form this 2023 tax filing season. Due to the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, cash apps like Venmo, PayPal, and Zelle were required to issue