Repair or Improvement: Which is it?

You can claim a tax deduction for minor repairs made by your business by December 31st, 2023, on your tax return, but improvements are subject to separate tax laws. Improvements, as opposed to repairs, are capital expenses that need to be deducted gradually. How can you determine if the project is an improvement or a repair?

What Business Expenses Can’t Be Written Off?

If you study the Internal Revenue Code—which you most likely won’t want to—you might be surprised to learn that the majority of company deductions aren’t mentioned in detail. For instance, it isn’t specifically stated in the tax code that you can write off office supplies and other costs. Some expenses are mentioned in the tax

Reduce Your Tax Obligations with the Dividends Received Deduction

How does the dividends received deduction alleviate triple taxation? Triple taxation can be understood with the following scenario: First tax: The subsidiary corporation pays tax on income earned Second tax: The parent corporation pays tax on dividends received from the subsidiary corporation Third tax: Shareholders are taxed on the dividends they receive from the parent

Spouse-Run Businesses Have Unique Tax Challenges

Do you and your spouse run a successful unincorporated small business together? If so, you face some challenging tax issues. The partnership issue for spouse-run businesses An unincorporated business with your spouse is classified as a partnership for federal income tax purposes, unless you can avoid that treatment. If not, you must submit a Form

Combat Hackers with Cybersecurity Training for Your Staff

Your employees are on the front line when it comes to cyberthreats, but many of them are unprepared. When cybercriminals strike, employees may not recognize the risks and red flags. Data breaches cost on average $4.35 million, so providing your employees with training is crucial. Current Cybersecurity Battlefield According to a recent study by the

Disaster Planning for Nonprofits: Are You Prepared for the Next Crisis?

It’s common for disaster planning to be overlooked when your nonprofit is focused on its mission. However, taking the time to prepare now can prevent serious consequences in the future. Your operations are vulnerable to a range of risks, from natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires to man-made threats like cyberattacks and active shooters. Even